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New Live Demo Account

We are glad you want to try BabelCoach Live Demo!
Don't forget : you will loose all your data after this session.
You can sign up for a free account at any time.
* Language to learn:

Language to learn

Choose the language you want to learn now.
You can add other languages later.

Live Demo Information

You are creating a Live Demo Account.

This allows you to test BabelCoach for one session. You cannot reuse this account the next time you are visiting BabelCoach.

If you want the full power of BabelCoach you have to register. It is free for beginners and advanced users.

Hier registrieren.

Keep in mind: you will loose all your data after this session.



  • Aller Anfang ist leicht.

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Soutenez BabelCoach


Looks weird, but it works for me.

Bob, Ireland

Les principes et les avantages de l'apprentissage retardé; sont connus depuis longtemps. Il est sympa qu'il y a aussi des exemples et des expressions.


Wäre schön mal ein paar deutsche Kollektionen zu sehen.

zappata, Deutschland


Du kannst uns mit einer Spende unterstützen.

free cultural works