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How much sleep do you get every night?
Todd Beuckens -
Todd asks six people how much sleep they get every night.

Matthew / Canada
Probably somewhere between six and seven hours a night. It depends what I'm doing in the evening, or what I have to do in the morning, but I usually go to bed not too late, but I usually have to get up pretty early so, usually around six or seven hours a night.

Lindsay / United States
I try to get eight hours of sleep but usually I only get six hours of sleep because I wake up probably every two or three hours because I grind my teeth and it wakes me up.

Eoin / England
I think probably I get about six or seven hours of sleep a night on average. Yeah, when I'm busy with stuff outside of work, like organizing concerts or just other stuff, I probably get less, maybe like four or five.

Lori / Canada
That depends on certain factors, but I'd say usually I get about seven hours of sleep, but I'm a pretty light sleeper, so if my neighbors are being noisy or having a party I usually don't get much sleep at all.

Amir / Iran
I sleep eight hours a night and I think that's exactly the time that I can wake up in the morning and feel good about myself, not feeling sleepy, and I can work very efficiently the rest of my day.

Aki / Japan
I try to get eight. Weekdays, maybe around seven, weekends, maybe about ten hours. I love sleeping. I love sleeping in. I love like watching TV in bed.

Texte: Todd Beuckens on Copyright :CC—by-nc-sa
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